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Analysis & Reports

In-depth Analysis

Achieve business objectives - drive growth, track trends, improve ROI, manage reputation, enhance customer relationships and more by strategically planning and utilizing business intelligence derived from constant broadcast monitoring and analysis.

Analysis Coverage by Keyword

Analyse the impact of a campaign or PR activity with audience or campaign sensitive keywords.

Gauge Content Impact by Source

Understand the impact of any coverage based on the credibility of the source i.e. which channel is broadcasting the content, anchor or even guest speakers.

Interactive Reports

Know what's going on with daily interactive reports. Get an overview of coverage, trends, influences and even, how your top competitors are performing - share of voice to stock market rankings,etc.

Detailed Reports

Gain in-depth insights about coverage - date, time, channel and share of voice (with graphical representation).

Share Business Intelligence

Generate custom reports to share business intelligence and insights about individual coverage with departments, stakeholders and PR agencies, thereby driving growth or influence, strategically.